On December 23, 2021, the Subsoil Use Department for the Siberian Federal District issued a permit for the commissioning of the capital construction facility "Construction of "Shakhta Sibirskaya" LLC at the Kuznetskaya Mine Field site, stage 1".
In accordance with the permit, 53 surface objects are put into operation at 3 industrial sites - Central bremsbergs, Field slope No. 1, Eastern flank shafts.
All objects were accepted by the State commissions of the Siberian Department of Rostekhnadzor and Rosprirodnadzor.
The start of the construction of "Shakhta Sibirskaya" LLC was given on December 27, 2018.
Within 3 years "Shakhta Sibirskaya" LLC has achieved the following results.
53 facilities were built under the main project and 31 infrastructure facilities under separate projects.
A team of 1.6 thousand people has been formed.
26,000 running meters of underground mine workings have been completed.
Longwall 1106 was put into operation with a length of a working face of 400 m and reserves of more than 5 million tons of coal. Lava is equipped with high-performance modern equipment from leading world manufacturers: «Eickhoff Bergbautechnik», «EEP», «CORUM GROUP», «Becker Mining Systems RUS» LLC, «Kamat Gmbh & CO. KG». Modern diesel locomotives manufactured by «Scharf» and «Bizon» are used to transport workers underground.
The production capacity established by the project is 6 million tons per year.
"Shakhta Sibirskaya" LLC is a modern, safe coal mining enterprise built on the basis of the best world and domestic technologies and engineering solutions.
To ensure safe working conditions for miners, a multifunctional system is used, including:
Gas protection equipment «Mikon 3»;
System for positioning workers in underground workings «Mikon 4»;
Automated control system for fire water supply of «Sintep» JSC;
“Elsap” production face conveyor transport control system.
The commissioning of "Shakhta Sibirskaya" LLC is socially significant for the region.
In 2022, it is planned to complete the construction and commissioning of the Enrichment factory and the Railway station of "Shakhta Sibirskaya" LLC.
With the start of work of all enterprises, the complex of "Shakhta Sibirskaya" LLC:
the number of employees will be increased u to 2.1 thousand people;
tax payment to the budgets of all levels will amount to more than 1.4 billion rubles. in year;
taking into account the available licensed coal reserves, the operation period will be more than 20 years.